But trading in PoE can be difficult and time-consuming. Although the game has an in-game function to trade in a Chat Channel, it is not the best as it is not used by players now. But we will also mention the Trade Channel in-game in this guide.  There are other ways you can trade items out of the game as well. In this article or guide, we will discuss all the mediums you can trade your items.

Trading Through Trade Channel In-game

There are several chat channels in the game i.e., Local, Global, Party, Whisper, Trade, and Guild. The Trade chat channel is where you can trade your items. But you need to link the item in the trade channel to trade. Here are the steps to trade items in the trade channel. But before you start trading, you need to know three acronyms (WTT, WTB, and WTS). WTT, WTB, and WTS stand for Want to Trade, Buy and Sell respectively. So, if you want to trade with another item type WTT before the icon, then type the item you want with stats. You can also state which and how much currency you want for certain items while selling.

You will see lots of messages about trading in trade chat. Type in the trade channel what you want to do as I have mentioned above. Wait for when you see items you want to buy.Then right-click on the player who is trying to sell the item and click on “Whisper this Player”.Now you will be on the “Whisper” chat tab and you can talk with the player to either buy, sell, or trade.

This is the only way to trade your items inside the game. This method is also very time-consuming and can be very tedious. You need to keep looking out for many hours to get your specific item or get an offer for your trade. But many players are not in the trade channel nowadays. Players prefer other methods to trade items outside of the game. So now let’s discuss other methods outside the game.

Trading Through PoE Page Forum

On the official page of PoE, there is a Forum tab where all of the tradings can be done. Every player can post the items for selling, buying, or trading. Forum Trading is for searching for specific items and talking with players selling, buying, or trading items.  After posting the item you need to wait for other players to take the offer. Or, if you are trying to buy you need to reply to the posts of other players and wait for them to reply to you. So, it can take time sometimes but you can find what you are searching for in a short time. For this, you can follow the steps mentioned below. “Standard Trading-Shops” is for the standard league where you can put lots of items to trade with the currency you demand. You can also give the details about your item. You can link the item to the forum so that others can see what you are trying to sell, buy or trade.  By doing this, you can post the items which you want to sell or trade. As I have mentioned earlier, this long process is for selling or trading. If you want to buy, search for the item you need in your league topic and contact the player selling the item. 

Trading Through Trade Tab in PoE Page

This method is more efficient and easier than both methods mentioned above. But for a new player, this method can be very confusing. The trading tab on the page is solely for the trading purpose of items and is easy after you know what to.  So, if you don’t know how to use this. This topic will cover every step you need to follow to trade your items. It’s important to know what these two tabs are for. But first, on the left, you will see two drop-down boxes on the right of the “Search Items” bar. The first one is for choosing your league. For example, we are in the “Standard” league so we will choose Standard. Choose the league you are in.  Then in the next tab, you have to choose whether you want to search items from Online Only or Online in League or Any (both offline and online) players or traders.  After this, now let’s discuss them first and how to use them.

Search Listed Items

In this tab, you can search for Weapons, Armor, Gems, etc. using filters too. If you don’t want to use any filters you can type the item name in the “Search Items” bar and search it. This will show you all traders with prices for the specific item. This tab is for buying single items talking with traders and negotiating with them. If you want to search for items with specific stats or tiers, you can use the filters. Filters available are: These filters will help you get results only for the items with specific stats. After using these filters, search for the item you need. Then, you will be shown results for your search. Choose the best item rate you see. You will see two options: “Whisper” and “PM” which stands for Private Message. If you click on “Whisper” a whisper text will be copied and you need to open the game and paste it in Chat and press enter. Also, you can talk to the trader in-game.  If you click on “PM”, you will be redirected to another page to compose the private message to the trader. You can write subject and content, including what you want to buy with the rate. Then you have to wait for the trader to reply to you and you can buy the item.

Bulk Item Exchange

This tab can be used to trade items in bulk. You can trade currencies in this tab mainly. You can also trade cards, maps, oils, etc. from this tab. But this tab is specifically for trading. In this tab, you will see two sides. One is for “Items I Want” where you have to choose items you want. The other side is for “Items You have” where you have to choose items which you have you want to trade.  Instead of the “Search Items” bar, there is the “Highlight Items” bar which helps to highlight the specific item you want. Now after choosing what you want and what items you want to trade, follow these steps. This method will help you buy or trade items or currencies from other traders/players. But unfortunately, you can not sell from this method without paying. For this, you need to purchase “Premium Stash Tab” from “Microtransaction Shop”. The information on the “Trade” tab will be automatically posted in Trade on the official page of PoE. And from there other players can see what you have in the sale and can talk to you for further trade.

Trading Through Poe. Trade Indexer 

This is by far the best method for trading in PoE. It is also out of the game method. Most of the users use Poe. Trade for trading purposes. It is easier than any other method and takes very less time and knowledge to use.  It is an indexer which searches for information about trading from official PoE page forums and trades. Every information you see in this indexer is from the thread of the forum. For Selling, the procedure is the same as in the method mentioned above. But for trade and buying it is a little bit different.  Let’s get right into the process of trading using this method. These steps are for buying items. But what about currency trading? For this, follow these steps: So, these are the methods for trading in Path of Exile. Hope using these methods you are able to do trading in PoE with ease.

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