Since it’s a three-step process – and more if you want to remove it from the app as well – it’s good to take it one step at a time to ensure each part is done correctly.

About Removing a Ring Doorbell

A Ring Doorbell has three essential parts: the mounting bracket, the doorbell itself, and the faceplate.

Mounting Bracket: It is the part that attaches to the house and creates a place for the doorbell to rest. Doorbell: It is the electronic device that connects to your app. Some models have a removable battery, while others have a built-in battery.Faceplate: It protects the actual doorbell unit from damage and inclement weather. 

Before starting, you should decide which parts of the Ring Doorbell to remove. The faceplate will have to come off to access the doorbell. If the doorbell has a built-in battery, you’ll have to remove the entire unit to charge it. If you’re planning to do anything involving the entire doorbell, the whole unit would also need to come out. Finally, if you’re planning to put a new doorbell in place that isn’t compatible with the original mounting bracket, that will have to be removed and replaced.  For those who haven’t wired the Ring Doorbell into their home’s electrical network, it’s a relatively easy device to remove because it runs on battery power. That means that you don’t have to disconnect it from the network. Once it’s gone, it’s simply off and ready to be replaced with another Ring Doorbell. 

How to Remove a Ring Doorbell

Removing a Ring Doorbell will be much easier if you have everything you need at the start. Ensure you have a T6 Torx screwdriver and a compatible screwdriver for the mounting bracket.  Always shut off the power to the doorbell before beginning if you have done any kind of wiring on it or if the old doorbell’s wiring is exposed behind the unit.

Removing the Faceplate

The faceplate is held on with a single safety screw for most Ring Doorbells. If you’ve had the unit for a while, you’re probably accustomed to removing this part since you can’t charge the doorbell while it’s on. Once the faceplate is off, you should be able to see the Ring Doorbell unit itself. Put the faceplate somewhere that it won’t be broken or lost before proceeding.

Removing the Ring Doorbell

Next, you have to move the unit itself. This is the part with all the electronics, so be aware of that as you work with it.  If your Ring Doorbell is wired into your home, take extra precautions. Be doubly sure you’ve shut off power to the door and be prepared to remove the wires from the device. You should not turn the power back on until the entire process is complete.

Removing the Ring Doorbell Bracket

The bracket is the piece that attaches the doorbell to the actual door. Don’t remove it until the device is off so that you don’t end up with any damage. The Ring Doorbell will not work correctly without a mounting bracket because the device itself isn’t made to attach directly to the wall. Always save the bracket for future use, or you may have to order another.

Removing the Ring Doorbell from the Ring app

The last part of removing the Ring Doorbell is removing it from the app. This doesn’t just unclutter the screen you look at when you control Ring devices. It’s necessary to be able to access the Ring app, especially if you want to transfer ownership to someone else.  Once you’ve removed a device, another person can immediately register it onto another account. Ring recommends that you remove devices when you’re giving them away but also when you move and leave them behind for the new owners. It will be difficult for the next user to register and control the device if you don’t.

Removing Ring Doorbell Suggestions

Organization is a small thing that can help in a big way. Consider getting some small, plastic jewelry baggies that zip closed and placing different types of screws in these as you go. You can include them in a box or packaging if you store or ship the Ring Doorbell.If you’re having trouble removing the faceplate, don’t struggle. It can become more difficult to budge over time. Try pressing it from the bottom and then swinging it out to remove it. Just work slowly so that you don’t break it.When you remove the mounting bracket, small holes where it was attached to the doorframe will be left behind. If you aren’t planning to use the same holes soon, fill them with material appropriate for your setup. Otherwise, you might experience issues with moisture or insects. Every model of Ring Doorbell is slightly different. Make sure to read the manual for your device to ensure you’re following the appropriate steps for your model.  How To Remove Ring Doorbell - 75How To Remove Ring Doorbell - 62How To Remove Ring Doorbell - 86How To Remove Ring Doorbell - 74