iPhone developers constantly release security updates to patch such vulnerabilities. Updating your phone to the latest version is the best way to prevent such break-ins and data theft. So, you should check your phone regularly for updates to prevent any attackers from hacking into your iPhone. However, there are some general ways to tell if you’ve been hacked. In this article, we have compiled a list of methods to check if you’ve been hacked and how to prevent them in the future.

How to Know if Your iPhone is Hacked?

The most common sign of a hacked iPhone is unusual activities on your phone that you did not do. Hackers may have hacked your phone and may steal your data or spy on you. Here’s a list of some other common ways to spot breaches on your iPhone.

High Data Consumption

Attackers can steal your data and send it to their own private servers or computers. They can share your data through background processes which can use a lot of data. You can check your cellular data consumption on your phone by going to Settings > Cellular and scrolling down to CELLULAR DATA. However, you cannot check your Wi-Fi data usage on iPhones or any other iOS devices. You will have to download third-party apps that can track your data usage on a timely basis. 

Slow Phone

The most common sign of a hacked iPhone is your phone being significantly slower for no reason. Attackers may use your phone’s processor to fulfill their own interests. They run applications in the background which significantly slow down your phone. You may also notice faster battery drainage and heating. Your phone may use more power or heat up when using heavy applications like games or graphical apps. But if your phone heats up even when it’s sitting idle or using it normally, it may be a sign of a hacked phone.

Unrecognized Calls and Texts

Your phone may also be compromised if you notice random text messages and calls from your phone. A couple of texts or calls to your recognized contacts may not be an issue because this can happen from mistake pocket dials. But if there are a lot of calls and texts to random numbers, it may be a topic of concern.

Unrecognized App Downloads

Hackers may also install unrecognized applications on your iPhone. The app may itself be malicious, or it may just be a method to fulfill their needs. They may use the app to install more malicious software on your phone.

LED Indications

Newer iOS has a feature that allows the user to know that service is currently in use. A small indication on the top of the screen appears whenever a respective component is being used. An orange dot indicates the microphone, green indicates the camera, and an arrow indicates the location.This feature can come in handy to detect unauthorized access. If you see these indicators turned on for a long time even when you’re not using them, it may be a sign of a hacked phone. 


If you see random popups on your phone, it may also be an indication of a hacked phone. This may be a result of a malicious program running on your iPhone. These popups usually advertise their personal apps or websites.

Unrecognized Purchases

If you have your payment information saved on your phone, hackers can use that information to make personal purchases. iOS has a wallet app that deals with payments and records your card information. If you use this app to make any kind of purchase, hackers can also use that app from your hacked phone to steal from you. In such a case, you should immediately call your bank to inform them about it. 

Unrecognized Social Media Activity

Social media has a massive influence over today’s population. Attackers may use your personal social media accounts to promote their own. If you see any unrecognized posts or messages on your social media accounts, your account may have been hacked, or even the phone itself. You will have to immediately change your account password if you suspect any kind of breach.

How to Prevent Your iPhone From Being Hacked?

The only way to stop hacks is to be careful while dealing with unknown links and files. Do not open any links sent to you unless you know what the file is about. But there are many other ways hackers do to access your personal phone. Here are some things to remember if you want to prevent other people from hacking into your iPhone.

Do not Jailbreak Your iPhone

Jailbreaking is the process of unlocking your phone’s root system files and making them accessible. This is usually done to personalize the phone’s operating system to the user’s preference. It gives the user more control but also makes your phone vulnerable. So, jailbreaking your iPhone may not be the best idea unless you are sure about what you’re doing.

Be Careful Downloading Malicious Files

Hackers usually get access to your phone through malicious files. They can attach or disguise themselves as useful media to get into your phone. To prevent this, only download any media or files from trusted sources. If you are suspicious or uncertain about files, it may be in your best interest to avoid them completely.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

Some hackers also use Wi-Fi to get malicious files into your phone. So, you should be careful while connecting to public or unrecognized Wi-Fi, especially the ones without a password. Just avoiding public Wi-Fi is a good idea to prevent network-related attacks.

Avoid Using Public Charging Ports

Public charging docks are ports that you can use to charge your phone in case of an emergency. That is the only reason you should consider using them. Hackers may connect the charging hub to their own devices and then hack into your phone. They may steal your personal data or put malicious programs into your phone.

Disable Popups

Popups are a form of advertising that appears when browsing web pages. You may mistakenly click them when browsing the internet, which may download unwanted/malicious files into your iPhone. You can disable basic pop-ups from your browser settings. For the Safari browser, you can disable the popups by going to Safari in iPhone settings.

Add Password to iPhone

Adding passwords to your iPhone is the most basic and important part of security. If you don’t have a password already, you should definitely consider adding one. A password will prevent your phone from unauthorized access.  You can also enable two-factor authentication for your apple-ID to stop hackers from directly accessing your email accounts. Adding these simple methods will greatly improve your phone and Apple security.

Delete Suspicious Apps

Even though Apple only allows verified applications on iOS, some applications may disguise themselves as useful app and install malware on your iPhone. You cannot always know or spot such applications, but in case you have any suspicions about an app it would be safe to delete it completely.

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